Nocturnal Animals

What are nocturnal animals?.
Nocturnal animals come out at night. They live in woods and other quiet places. They move around and feed while we sleep
Can they see at night?. Many nocturnal animals have poor eyesight. They rely on other senses like touch, feel and smell. But some nocturnal animals can see very well at night. Owls, for example, have excellent night-time vision.
Can they hear well? Nocturnal animals often need their ears more than their eyes. A wood may seem quiet at night but nocturnal animals listen for small sounds. Where can we see nocturnal animals?Most people don't see nocturnal animals very often. We are usually sleeping when they are out. In zoos nocturnal animals are kept in special dark areas during the day. This makes them think it is night. Visitors can then watch them.
Many species are nocturnal
• Most species of spiders are nocturnal
• Many amphibians and reptiles are nocturnal
• Some mammals are nocturnal:
– all of the approximately 1,000 species of bats
– 80% of marsupials
– 60% of carnivores
– 40% of rodents
– 20% of primates

Haunted places - Ghost stories

Weird happens. But does weird happen on a regular basis in specific areas?
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The red wolf is tawny-cinnamon mixed with gray and black, and is darkest on the back. Red wolves have a head and body length of 1 - 1.2 m (3.25 - 4') and a weight of 18 - 41 kg (40 - 90 lb). Given their wide historical distribution, red wolves probably utilized a large suite of habitat types at one time. The species was apparently most numerous in the once extensive bottomland river forests and swamps of the southeastern USA. Red wolves re-introduced into northeastern North Carolina have made extensive use of habitat types ranging from agricultural lands to forest/wetland mosaics.

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The Ghost Hunters - Bible

Information Inside the Book:
The methods of conducting a ghost hunt.
How to research for a ghost hunt.
How to properly interview witnesses.
What tools you need to have on ghost hunts.
Techniques of EVP and video recording.
Where and how to find ghosts and spirits.
What to do if your house is haunted.
How to get rid of an unwanted ghost
Things to do when you see a ghost.
Science and methods of Parapsychology.
Answers to common paranormal questions.
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Parapsychology and paranormal organizations.
Quick References: Hundreds of key terms.

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Biodiesel fuel is a clean burning alternative fuel that is made from 100% renewable resources. It is considered the fuel of the future. Sometimes it is also known as Biofuel. Biodiesel does not contain petroleum, but can be mixed with petroleum to produce a biodiesel blend that can be used in a number of vehicles. Pure biodiesel fuel, though, can only be used in diesel engines. Biodiesel is biodegradable and non-toxic, making it so safe that common table salt has been proven more toxic.
Biodiesel is not like vegetable oil alternative fuels. Biodiesel can be used in its unaltered form in diesel engines. Vegetable oil fuels must be modified and used only in combustion- ignition engines. This makes biodiesel one of the easiest alternative fuels to use. In fact, it is a great option for use on farms in farm equipment.
Biodiesel fuel is made through a process called transesterfication. This process involves removing the glycerin from the vegetable oil or fat. During the process byproducts are left behind, including methyl esters and glycerin. Biodiesel is free from such substances as sulfur and aromatics which are found in traditional fuels.

Green in the Obama Adm. - Climate Change - Energy

Seeing Green in the Obama Administration

By Susan Cosier February 6, 2009, 5:59 PM
From a podium at the U.S. Department of Energy, President Barack Obama made yet another announcement declaring the need for a new energy policy yesterday as he took action to improve energy efficiency standards.
In just a few short weeks, President Barack Obama has made significant strides to enforce stricter environmental regulations, demonstrating a marked change from the Bush administration’s policies toward air, water, and energy.
"Washington may not be ready to get serious about energy independence, but I am. And so are you. And so are the American people," said President Obama, according to the
White House blog. "Inaction is not an option that is acceptable to me and it’s certainly not acceptable to the American people – not on energy, not on the economy, and not at this critical moment."

The Y Chromosome

The Y chromosome — with the genes to make a man — has been sequenced. Often regarded as a genetic wasteland, the sequence reveals that we may have underestimated its powers. Here, Nature presents the research, as well as news, reviews and analysis. As with all of Nature's genome content, these articles are available free online.


This year is the bicentenary of Charles Darwin's birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of 'On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection'. In this seminal work, Darwin collected his thoughts on what became the most important concept in biology - evolution. In celebration of Darwin 200, NPG journals have commissioned and collected content showcasing how Darwin's seminal work and ideas have enriched and transformed diverse disciplines.
See the Darwin 200 collection
Evolution Insight
A century and a half ago, Charles Darwin detailed his theory of evolution by natural selection in his book On the Origin of Species. How does this remarkably successful theory apply to life on our planet? How have the scientists of subsequent generations built on Darwin's ideas? And does revisiting the original theory shed new light on the remaining puzzles? The articles in this
Insight testify to the success of Darwin's theory

Fossil Fuels - Nocturnal Birds

The exploitation of fossil fuels
to satisfy the majority of our energy needs impacts on the environment, economics, and politics — and drives continued and often heated public debate. Here Nature presents a web focus on some of the many implications of hydrocarbon fuel usage. This includes collections of reviews, features and original research on the economic, social and environmental impact of fossil fuels, the science of fuel formation and extraction, and future energy resources.

What Is a Bird?
There are about 10,000 bird species, found in every shape and size, from the tiny hummingbird to the majestic condor. They occur in all the colors of the rainbow and are loved for their musical songs. Some birds can even mimic human speech. All birds lay eggs to incubate their young, and all have feathers—a trait no other animals can claim. Birds also have wings, evolutionary adaptations of ancient forelimbs. Most use their wings for flight, but others, like ostriches and penguins, are grounded.
Owls have long been a part of human folklore and legend.Owls are depicted in cave paintings in France that date back 15,000 to 20,000 years. Owls also are used in Egyptian hieroglyphics. They have held a variety of symbolic roles in culture and have represented misfortune, death, prosperity, and wisdom.

Owls (Order Strigiformes) are a group of birds known for their distinct calls, nocturnal habits, and silent flight. Owls are familiar to many people because they are often depected in various ways in popular culture. For instance, owls are often among the animals we associate with Halloween. They are also a favorite character in a variety of children's stories, such as Winnie the Pooh, The Secrets of NIMH, and Harry Potter. But widespread understanding about this unique group of birds is often quite limited. So in this article, I'd like to explore ten things we should all know about owls:
1. Owls belong to the Order Strigiformes.The Order Strigiformes is further divided into two families, the barn owls (Family Tytonidae) and the typical owls (Family Strigidae). Owls are a diverse group of birds, with over 220 species of owls belonging to the Order Strigiformes.
2. Owls are birds of prey.Owls feed on a wide variety of prey including mammals, other birds, insects, and reptiles. There are even some species of owls that live in Africa and Asia that feed on birds. Owls cannot chew their prey since, like all birds, they do not have teeth. Instead, they swallow small prey whole and must tear larger prey into smaller pieces before swallowing. They later regurgitate pellets of indigestible material such as bone, fur, and feathers.
3. Most owls are nocturnal.Most owls are active at night. A few species (such as the pygmy owls) are active in the early morning or at dusk while some (such as the burrowing owl and the short-eared owl) are active during the day.
Grassland, Found in open habitats, such as grasslands, deserts, marshes, and agricultural fields
Food: Mammals, Small mammals.
Nesting - Nesting Facts
Clutch Size
2–18 eggs
Egg Description:
Dull white.
Condition at Hatching
Helpless and covered with white down.
Nest Description
Nests in hollow trees, cliff cavities, in buildings, and nest boxes. Nest cup made from shredded owl pellets.